Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Day One- Early Evening

Just wanted to update. After I drank my tree syrup lemonade and had a shower I feel totally fine. Not hungry anymore and energetic. Tried to stay out of the kitchen since its tempting with all the stuff I have in the fridge and pantry. Its funny because my mom called and asked if I was hungry. I wasn't..or was I? I've already noticed that my hunger and my food intake have very little in common. Yes when I'm really hungry I can tell but usually it never gets to that point. So right now, I feel like I want food. Is that the definition of hungry? My stomach isn't grumbling and I have plenty of energy. Which defines hunger? If I say I'm dying for a sandwich and some crunchy chips and fantasizing about food that I know I dont need (rather than in a purely mental way...not that the mind is not very powerful) does that mean I'm hungry?

Anyway- saw Z while picking up my middle son from the busstop. She is not feeling that great. I think its because she needs to go eliminate some stuff and the tea isn't working that great for her. I told her that the SWF is essential for her tomorrow or she will be tired, etc. I'm a little nervous to do the salt water now that I know what happens after! I will be prepared though.

Fed my little one dinner, he left a bunch in the bowl so he'll be back for more before bed. The other two are playing outside. This feeding kids business is tough but as soon as dh comes home I'm retiring upstairs with my books. And- aha! The door just opened. Thank god we aren't both on this thing. I might just tell him to take them to McDonald's for ten days. I can Master Cleanse and they can eat at Master Craps. Maybe that's what the "Mc" in Micky D's stands for? Just kidding, healthy food all around *cough*

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