Friday, April 20, 2007

Day 3

This morning got off to a late start. My ds3 had slept over my mother's house and had school in the morning. Left the house at 7:40am to take him his clothes and drop him off to the Y. By the time I got home and got ds2 settled it was 9am. I felt really weak and was craving my lemonade all morning. But, the SWF is supposed to be done on an empty stomach so all morning I was dreaming of the lemonade. It's funny- that very lemonade that I complained about the first day has become so yummy to me! I love the taste of the lemons and the pure maple syrup on my tongue. Very refreshing! All in all, I feel really great and full of energy this morning!

Last night was really tough for me. I couldn't get my mind off of food. I was so close to quitting, the only thing stopping me was that me and Z were in this together. I was near tears and then went upstairs with my chocolate smooth move tea, which was delicious. Tasted like watered down hot chocolate. Got really into the novel I was reading and then went to bed feeling fine at about 10:30pm. I think that being downstairs by the TV and the kitchen makes my cravings flare up, since I'm usually fixing myself a snack in the evening while watching the tube!

Anyway, fastforward- this morning had a ton of energy, getting to sleep early is doing wonders for me. While brushing my teeth I noticed that my tongue was beginning to get that white coat! Thank god, I had been worried about not getting it, since 'furry tongue' is a major detox sign and if you don't get it then you 1) aren't doing it correctly or 2) are the healthiest person in the world. Thinking back to all my late night nacho runs at 7-11 I decided that I was not part of #2, so if it didn't happen soon it must mean I'm not doing something correctly.

Chugged my SWF. Chugging is really an art form, give the frat boys some credit : P Immediately felt really full and nauseous. Had a finger dip of maple syrup. Then, began cleaning. My inlaws are coming over either late tonight or early tomorrow and the cleaning people are coming today. With a ton to do, it was easy not to be bored or think about food. Funny thing is, when I woke up this morning I had no cravings at all!! That's actually normal for morning, we'll see if my 3pm cravings are gone.

Talked to Z, she is not doing well. Having tons of cravings and feeling really really weak. Flush worked for her today but she is still feeling gross. Tell her to nap all day and let me pick up her daughter if she gets really tired since I'm operating on some adrenaline today.

I think all the SWF is out of me, took a little longer this time. Had my lemonade and it really hit the spot- YUMMY! Ds2 is eating pringles next to me and its not that big of a deal. But I remember reading that day 3 is the worst so I am preparing myself for tonight. No TV, lots of cleaning, reading and mint tea as well as the chocolate Laxative tea. Don't know if I will be able to do the SWF tomorrow. Ds2 has a soccer game at 9am so I would have to get up at 6am in order to give myself enough time. Don't want to be exhausted either. Don't know what to do, I really like the SWF- I believe it gives you that sense of eliminating toxins. I guess I'll just have the tea but not sure how that will affect my watching the game. I can just imagine myself running through the field, knocking over little YMCA toddlers in their soccer for the woods (yes, no bathroom there, parents have to fend for themselves if the little ones want to go!)

Decide to take a shower and continue cleaning.

1 comment:

NewbieMasterCleanser said...

If you take the tea, be ready for cramping. However, you should have a good few hours until it kicks in. So if you are planning on being back at home after the game, then take it. Take your lemonade with you!